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In the emergency, they become "Fire Heroes"
Source: Liaoning Traffic Investment Author: Release time: August 21, 2023 A+A-

"It's angry,Come on! "recently,Jianpingnan Toll Station X05 lane under the group's highway dafabet best online betting websiteOperation Management Co., Ltd.,A rush of car sounding and calling,Ding Haichuan, a duty person who is guiding the traffic on dafabet best online betting dafabet live casinowebsitedafabet live casinothe lane,Rush to the scene urgently。I saw a six -axis truck in the distance rolling。

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Ding Haichuan immediately contact colleagues to reinforce through the intercom.,Contact traffic police and fire department synchronously,Due to the unknown fire situation and the reason for fire,To ensure the safety of on -site personnel,Students' time to stop,Lift the rod directly to guide the vehicle to the open area,Place safety equipment,and evacuate the crowd,Emergency fire extinguishing with fire extinguishing equipment。

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After 40 minutes,Traffic police and fire departments rushed to the scene,The staff is clear for division of labor、Each duty,Cooperate with the traffic police department to guide traffic,Actively assist the fire department to maintain order。

10 minutes later,Minghuo was extinguished,Toll Station Plaza resumed normal traffic。"Thank you so much! If you weren't for your help,May ... the consequences are unimaginable! "The driver holds the staff's hand and tears with tears,Lianlian thanks。

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