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Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China
Source: Author: System Administrator Published: December 23, 2019 A+A-

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Chapter 1 General Provisions

Chapter 2 Supervisory agencies and their responsibilities

Chapter 3 Supervision Scope and Jurisdiction

Chapter 4 Supervision Authority

Chapter 5 Supervision Procedure

Chapter 6 International Cooperation in Anti-Corruption

Chapter 7 Supervision of Supervisory Agencies and Supervisory Personnel

Chapter 8 Legal Liability

Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 To deepen the reform of the national supervision system,Strengthen supervision of all public officials exercising public power,Achieving comprehensive coverage of national supervision,Carry out in-depth anti-corruption work,Promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities,According to the Constitution,Enact this law。

Article 2: Uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China over state supervision work,Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is guided by,Build centralized unity、An authoritative and efficient national supervision system with Chinese characteristics。

Article 3: Supervisory committees at all levels are specialized agencies that perform national supervisory functions,Supervise all public officials who exercise public power (hereinafter referred to as public officials) in accordance with this law,Investigating occupational violations and occupational crimes,Carry out clean government construction and anti-corruption work,Uphold the dignity of the constitution and law。

Article 4 The Supervisory Committee independently exercises supervisory powers in accordance with legal provisions,Not subject to administrative agencies、Interference of social groups and individuals。

Supervisory agencies handle cases of occupational violations and occupational crimes,Should contact the judicial authority、Procuratorate、Law enforcement agencies cooperate with each other,Mutual constraints。

Supervisory agencies need assistance in their work,Relevant agencies and units shall provide assistance in accordance with the law at the request of the supervisory authority。

Article 5: National supervision work strictly abides by the Constitution and laws,Based on facts,Use the law as the criterion;All are equal in the application of the law,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties;Equal rights and responsibilities,Strict supervision;Combining punishment and education,Combining leniency and severity。

Article 6: National supervision work insists on treating both the symptoms and root causes、Comprehensive Management,Strengthen supervision and accountability,Severely punish corruption;Deepening reforms、Improving the rule of law,Effective restriction and supervision power;Strengthen legal education and moral education,Promote China’s excellent traditional culture,Build without corruption、Cannot be corrupted、A long-term mechanism that doesn’t want to corrupt。

Chapter 2 Supervisory agencies and their responsibilities

Article 7 The National Supervisory Commission of the People’s Republic of China is the highest supervisory organ。

Province、Autonomous Region、Municipality、Autonomous Prefecture、County、Autonomous County、City、The municipal district establishes a supervisory committee。

Article 8 The National Supervisory Commission shall be elected by the National People’s Congress,Responsible for national supervision work。

The National Supervisory Commission is headed by the director、Several deputy directors、Several committee members,The director is elected by the National People’s Congress,Deputy Director、Members are appointed and removed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress upon request from the Chairman of the National Supervisory Commission。

The term of office of the Director of the National Supervisory Commission is the same as that of the National People’s Congress,Cannot serve more than two consecutive terms。

The National Supervisory Commission is responsible to the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee,And accept its supervision。

Article 9: Local supervisory committees at all levels are elected by the people’s congress at the same level,Responsible for supervision work within this administrative region。

Local supervisory committees at all levels are headed by directors、Several deputy directors、Several committee members,The director is elected by the people’s congress at the same level,Deputy Director、Members are appointed and removed by the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at the same level upon request from the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee。

The term of office of the directors of local supervisory committees at all levels is the same as the term of each term of the people’s congress at the same level。

Local supervisory committees at all levels are responsible to the People’s Congress at the same level and its standing committee and the supervisory committee at the next higher level,And accept its supervision。

Article 10 The National Supervisory Commission leads the work of local supervisory committees at all levels,The superior supervisory committee leads the work of the lower-level supervisory committee。

Article 11 The Supervisory Committee shall perform supervision in accordance with this Law and relevant legal provisions、Investigation、Disposal Responsibility:

(1) Carry out integrity education for public officials,Perform their duties in accordance with the law、Use rights impartially、Supervision and inspection of clean political practice and ethical conduct;

(2) Suspected of corruption and bribery、Abuse of power、Neglect of Duty、Power rent seeking、Benefit transfer、Investigation into official violations and official crimes such as favoritism, corruption, and waste of state assets;

(3) Make government disciplinary decisions on public officials who violate the law in accordance with the law;Ineffective in performing duties、Accountability for leaders who have neglected their duties;For those suspected of official crimes,Transfer the investigation results to the People’s Procuratorate for review according to law、File a public prosecution;Propose supervision suggestions to the unit where the supervision target belongs。

、State agency、Organizations and units authorized or entrusted by laws and regulations to manage public affairs and the administrative regions under their jurisdiction、State-owned enterprises and other dispatched or dispatched supervisory agencies、Ombudsman。

Supervisory agency、The Ombudsman is responsible to the supervisory committee that accredits or dispatches it。

Article 13 Supervision agencies stationed or dispatched、Ombudsman in accordance with the authorization,Supervise public officials in accordance with management authority and law,Propose supervision suggestions,Investigate public officials in accordance with the law、Disposal。

Article 14 The state implements the supervisory officer system,Determine the level of inspectors according to law、Appointment and dismissal、Appraisal and promotion systems。

Chapter 3 Supervision Scope and Jurisdiction

Article 15 The supervisory organs shall supervise the following public officials and relevant personnel:

(1) Organs of the Communist Party of China、People’s Congress and its Standing Committee Organs、People's Government、Supervisory Committee、People's Court、People’s Procuratorate、Committee organs at all levels of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference、Civil servants of democratic parties and federations of industry and commerce,dafabet live casinoAnd those managed with reference to the Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China;

(2) Law、Personnel engaged in public affairs in organizations authorized by regulations or entrusted by state agencies to manage public affairs in accordance with the law;

(3) State-owned enterprise managers;

(4) Public education、Scientific Research、Culture、Medical and Health、Personnel engaged in management in sports and other units;

(5) Personnel engaged in management in grassroots mass autonomous organizations;

(6) Other personnel who perform public duties in accordance with the law.

Article 16: Supervisory agencies at all levels shall have jurisdiction over supervision matters involving persons specified in Article 15 of this Law within their respective jurisdictions in accordance with their administrative authority。

The superior supervisory authority can handle supervision matters within the jurisdiction of the lower-level supervisory authority,When necessary, it can also handle supervision matters within the jurisdiction of the supervisory agencies at all levels。

Disputes between supervisory agencies over the jurisdiction of supervision matters,Determined by their common superior supervisory authority。

Article 17: Supervisory agencies at higher levels may designate supervisory agencies at lower levels to have jurisdiction over supervisory matters under their jurisdiction,You can also designate supervision matters that subordinate supervisory agencies have jurisdiction over to other supervisory agencies。

The supervisory authority considers the supervision matters under its jurisdiction to be significant、Complex,Need to be under the jurisdiction of superior supervisory authorities,Can be submitted to the superior supervisory authority for jurisdiction。

Chapter 4 Supervision Authority

Article 18 Supervisory agencies exercise supervision、Investigation authority,The right to inquire about the situation from relevant units and individuals in accordance with the law,Collect、Retrieve evidence。Relevant units and individuals should provide truthfully。

Supervision by supervisory agencies and their staff、State secrets learned during the investigation、Business Secret、Personal privacy,Should be kept confidential。

No unit or individual is allowed to forge、Conceal or destroy evidence。

Article 19: Supervision targets who may have committed illegal duties,Supervisory agencies in accordance with management authority,You can directly or entrust relevant agencies、People talk or ask for explanation。

Article 20 During the investigation,To the person under investigation who is suspected of violating the law,Supervisory authorities may require them to make statements regarding suspected illegal acts,Issue written notice to the person under investigation when necessary。

On suspicion of corruption and bribery、Person under investigation for official crimes such as dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty,Supervisory agencies can conduct interrogations,Require him to truthfully confess the suspected crime。

Article 21 During the investigation,The supervisory authority may question witnesses and other personnel。

Article 22 The person under investigation is suspected of corruption and bribery、Serious job violations or job crimes such as dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty,The supervisory authority has obtained some of the facts and evidence of his illegal crimes,There are still important issues that require further investigation,And one of the following situations,Approved by the supervisory authority in accordance with the law,Can be left in a specific location:

(1) Involving serious and complex cases;

(2) Possible escape or suicide;

(3) Possible collusion or forgery、Hidden、Destroying evidence;

(4) There may be other behaviors that hinder the investigation.

For those involved in the crime of bribery or joint official duties,The supervisory authority may take retention measures in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

Setting up the detention place、Management and supervision shall be implemented in accordance with relevant national regulations。

Article 23 Supervisory agencies investigate suspected corruption and bribery、Serious job violations or job crimes such as dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty,According to work needs,You can query according to the regulations、Freeze deposits of entities and individuals involved in the case、Remittance、Bond、Stock、Fund shares and other properties。Relevant units and individuals should cooperate。

The frozen property is found to be irrelevant to the case,The freeze should be lifted within three days after identification,Refund。

Article 24: The supervisory authority may examine the body of a person under investigation suspected of a duty-related crime and a person who may have concealed evidence of the person under investigation or criminal evidence、item、Search residence and other relevant places。While searching,A search warrant should be produced,There are witnesses such as the person being searched or his family members present。

Searching women’s bodies,Should be performed by female staff。

When the supervisory authority conducts a search,You can request the public security organs to cooperate according to work needs。The public security organs shall provide assistance in accordance with the law。

Article 25 Supervisory agencies during the investigation process,Can be retrieved、Seized、Seizure property used to prove that the person under investigation is suspected of committing a crime、Documents and electronic data and other information。Take retrieval、Seized、Seizure measures,Original copies should be collected,Joint holder or custodian、Witness,Take photos one by one in person、Register、No.,Make a list,Verified on the spot by the personnel present、Signature,And hand over a copy of the list to the property、The holder or custodian of the document。

Pair retrieval、Seized、Seized property、File,Supervisory agencies should set up special accounts、Specialized place,Make sure that specialized personnel keep it properly,Strictly implement the handover、Retrieval procedures,Regular reconciliation and verification,May not be damaged or used for other purposes。Items of unknown value should be identified in a timely manner,Specially sealed for safekeeping。

Seized、Seized property、Documents found to be irrelevant to the case,The seizure shall be lifted within three days after identification、Seizure,Refund。

Article 26 Supervisory agencies during the investigation process,can be directed or assigned、Hire someone with expertise、Qualified personnel conduct inspections under the auspices of investigators。Inspection and inspection records should be made,Signed or stamped by the personnel and witnesses who participated in the inspection。

Article 27 Supervisory agencies during the investigation process,For specialized issues in the case,can be assigned、Hire someone with specialized knowledge for appraisal。After the appraiser conducts the appraisal,An appraisal opinion should be issued,and signed。

Article 28 Supervisory agencies investigate suspected major corruption, bribery and other official crimes,As needed,After strict approval procedures,Technical investigation measures can be taken,Submit it to relevant authorities for execution in accordance with regulations。

The approval decision shall specify the types and applicable objects of technical investigation measures,Valid within three months from the date of issuance;For complexity、Approved,It is still necessary to continue to take technical investigation measures after the expiration of the period,Approved,Validity period can be extended,No more than three months at a time。For those that do not need to continue to take technical investigation measures,Should be lifted in time。

Article 29 If the person under investigation who should be detained according to law is at large,The supervisory authority may decide to make arrests within the administrative region,A wanted order issued by the public security dafabet live casinoorgan,Pursued and brought to justice。The wanted scope exceeds this administrative area,Should be reported to the superior supervisory authority with the power to make decisions。

Article 30: The supervisory authority shall prevent the person under investigation and relevant personnel from escaping abroad,Approved by supervisory authorities at or above the provincial level,Measures can be taken to restrict the person under investigation and related personnel from leaving the country,Enforced by the public security organs in accordance with the law。For those who do not need to continue to take exit restrictions,Should be lifted in time。

Article 31: Persons under investigation suspected of duty-related crimes proactively plead guilty and accept punishment,Any of the following situations,Researched collectively by the leaders of the supervisory authority,And report to the next higher level supervisory authority for approval,You can make suggestions for leniency when transferring to the People’s Procuratorate:

(1) Those who voluntarily surrender and sincerely repent of their sins;

(2) Actively cooperate with the investigation,Truthfully confess illegal and criminal acts that the supervisory authority has not yet grasped;

(3) Actively return stolen goods and reduce losses;

(4) Those who have performed major meritorious services or the case involves major national interests, etc.。

Article 32: Persons involved in occupational violations and crimes report relevant occupational violations and crimes of the person under investigation,Verified to be true,Or provide important clues,Help in investigating other cases,Researched collectively by the leaders of the supervisory authority,And report to the next higher level supervisory authority for approval,You can make suggestions for leniency when transferring to the People’s Procuratorate。

Article 33: Physical evidence collected by supervisory authorities in accordance with the provisions of this Law、Documentary evidence、Witness testimony、Confession and defense of the respondent、Audio-visual materials、Electronic data and other evidence materials,Can be used as evidence in criminal proceedings。

The supervisory authority is collecting、Fixed、Review、When using evidence,Should be consistent with the requirements and standards for evidence in criminal trials。

Evidence collected through illegal methods shall be excluded in accordance with the law,Cannot be used as the basis for case disposal。

Article 34 People’s Court、People’s Procuratorate、Public security agency、Audit agencies and other state agencies discovered that public officials were suspected of corruption and bribery during their work、Clues to problems involving dereliction of duty, dereliction of duty and other illegal duties or official crimes,Should be transferred to the supervisory authority,To be investigated and dealt with by the supervisory authority in accordance with the law。

The person under investigation is suspected of serious job violations or job crimes,Also suspected of other illegal crimes,Generally, the supervisory authority should be the main investigator,Other agencies will assist。

Chapter 5 Supervision Procedure

Article 35 Supervisory agencies’ response to reports or reports,Should be accepted and processed in accordance with relevant regulations。For those not under the jurisdiction of this agency,Should be transferred to the competent authority。

Article 36 Supervisory agencies shall carry out their work in strict accordance with procedures,Establish problem clue processing、Investigation、Coordination among various trial departments、Mutual restrictive working mechanism。

Supervisory agencies should strengthen investigations、Supervision and management of the entire process of disposal,Establish corresponding work departments to perform lead management、Supervision and Inspection、Supervise and handle、Statistical analysis and other management and coordination functions。

Article 37 Supervisory agencies’ clues to the problems of supervisory objects,Disposal opinions should be put forward in accordance with relevant regulations,Perform approval procedures,Carry out classified processing。Clue handling status should be summarized regularly、Notification,Regular inspection、Spot check。

Article 38: Preliminary verification methods are required to deal with clues to the problem,Supervisory agencies should perform the approval procedures in accordance with the law,Establish a verification team。After the preliminary verification work is completed,The verification team should write a preliminary verification report,Propose processing suggestions。The undertaking department should put forward opinions on classification and processing。Preliminary verification report and classified handling opinions shall be submitted to the main person in charge of the supervisory authority for approval。

Article 39 After preliminary verification,The subject under supervision is suspected of committing a duty-related crime,Those who need to be held legally responsible,The supervisory authority shall handle the case filing procedures in accordance with the prescribed authority and procedures。

After the main person in charge of the supervisory authority approves the filing of the case in accordance with the law,Should preside over a special meeting,Research and determine the investigation plan,Determine the investigative measures required。

The decision to file an investigation shall be announced to the person under investigation,And notify relevant organizations。Suspected of serious job violations or job crimes,The family members of the person under investigation should be notified,And publish it to the public。

Article 40: Supervisory organs investigate cases of official violations and official crimes,Should investigate,Collect evidence on whether the person under investigation has committed any illegal crime and the severity of the crime,Find out illegal and criminal facts,Form mutual confirmation、Complete and stable evidence chain。

Threats are strictly prohibited、Lure、Collecting evidence by deception and other illegal methods,Insults are strictly prohibited、beating and scolding、Abuse、Corporal punishment or disguised corporal punishment of the person under investigation and the persons involved。

Article 41: Interviews conducted by investigators、Ask、Detention、Search、Retrieve、Seized、Seizure、Investigative measures such as inspection and inspection,All documents must be produced in accordance with regulations,Issue written notice,Conducted by two or more people,Generate transcript、Reports and other written materials,And signed by relevant personnel、Seal。

Investigators conduct interviews and searches、Seized、Important evidence collection work such as seizure,The whole process should be audio and video recorded,Keep for future reference。

Article 42 Investigators shall strictly implement the investigation plan,Do not expand the scope of investigation at will、Change of investigation objects and matters。

Important matters during the investigation,Should be studied collectively and report according to procedures。

Article 43: Supervisory agencies take detention measures,Should be collectively studied and decided by the leaders of the supervisory authority。Supervisory agencies below the districted city level take detention measures,Should be reported to the supervisory authority at the next higher level for approval。Provincial supervisory authorities take detention measures,Should be reported to the National Supervisory Committee for record。

The retention period shall not exceed three months。In special circumstances,Can be extended once,The extension period shall not exceed three months。Supervisory agencies below the provincial level take detention measures,Extension of retention time shall be reported to the superior supervisory authority for approval。The supervisory authority finds that the detention measures are inappropriate,Should be lifted in time。

The supervisory authority takes detention measures,You can request the public security organs to cooperate according to work needs。The public security organs shall provide assistance in accordance with the law。

Article 44 After taking detention measures against the person under investigation,Should be within twenty-four hours,Notify the unit and family members of dafabet live casinothe detained person,But it may be destroyed、Fake evidence,Except for interference with witnesses to testify or collusion in confessions, etc. that would hinder the investigation。After the circumstances that hindered the investigation have disappeared,The unit and family members of the detained person should be notified immediately。

Supervisory agencies should ensure the food of detained persons、Rest and safety,Provide medical services。The interrogation time and duration of detained persons should be reasonably arranged,The interrogation transcript shall be signed by the person being interrogated after reading it。

After the detained person is suspected of committing a crime and transferred to the judicial authority,Sentenced to controlled surveillance according to law、Criminal detention and fixed-term imprisonment,One day of detention will be redeemed for two days of control,Discount for detention、One day in prison。

Article 45 Supervisory agencies based on supervision、Investigation results,The following dispositions shall be made in accordance with the law:

(1) For public officials who have committed illegal acts due to their duties but the circumstances are relatively minor,According to administrative permissions,Directly or by entrusting relevant agencies、Personnel,Reminder for conversation、Critical education、Ordered to check,Or give warning;

(2) Warn public officials who have violated the law in accordance with legal procedures、Demerit、Record a major demerit、Downgrade、Removed、Decisions on government sanctions such as expulsion;

(3) Leaders responsible for failure to perform or incorrect dafabet best online betting websiteperformance of duties,Make direct accountability decisions based on management authority,Or make accountability suggestions to the authority with the authority to make accountability decisions;

(4) Persons suspected of duty-related crimes,The supervisory authority believes that the criminal facts are clear after investigation,The evidence is solid、Sufficient,Preparing a prosecution opinion,With case file materials、The evidence will be transferred to the People’s Procuratorate for review according to law、File a public prosecution;

(5) Propose supervision suggestions on problems existing in the integrity construction and dafabet best online betting websiteperformance of duties of the unit where the supervision target is located。

Investigation by the supervisory authority,There is no evidence to prove that the person under investigation has committed any illegal or criminal act,The case should be dismissed,And notify the unit where the person under investigation is located。

Article 46: Upon investigation by the supervisory authority,For illegally obtained property,Confiscated according to law、Recover or order compensation;Property obtained by suspected crime,The case should be transferred to the People’s Procuratorate。

Article 47 Cases transferred by supervisory authorities,The People’s Procuratorate takes compulsory measures against the person under investigation in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China。

Reviewed by the People’s Procuratorate,Think that the criminal facts have been found out,The evidence is solid、full,Those who should be held criminally responsible according to law,A decision to prosecute should be made。

Reviewed by the People’s Procuratorate,Those who think additional verification is needed,Should be returned to the supervisory authority for supplementary investigation,You can supplement your own investigation if necessary。For cases under supplementary investigation,The additional investigation should be completed within one month。Supplementary investigation is limited to two times。

The People’s Procuratorate will not prosecute cases stipulated in the Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China,Approved by the People’s Procuratorate at the next higher level,Decision not to prosecute in accordance with the law。The supervisory authority believes that the decision not to prosecute was wrong,You can submit a request for reconsideration to the People’s Procuratorate at the next higher level。

Article 48 Supervisory agencies are investigating corruption and bribery、In the process of cases involving dereliction of duty and other official crimes,The person under investigation escaped or died,It is necessary to continue the investigation,Approved by supervisory authorities at or above the provincial level,The investigation should continue and conclusions should be made。The person under investigation has escaped,Cannot be brought to justice after being wanted for one year,or dead,The supervisory authority shall submit the request to the People’s Procuratorate in accordance with legal procedures,Apply to the People’s Court for confiscation of illegal gains。

Article 49: The subject of supervision is dissatisfied with the decision of the supervisory authority regarding the handling of the individual,Can be within one month from the date of receipt of the processing decision,Apply for review to the supervisory authority that made the decision,The review authority shall make a review decision within one month;The subject of supervision is still dissatisfied with the review decision,Can be done within one month from the date of receipt of the review decision,Apply for review by the supervisory authority at the next higher level,The review authority shall make a review decision within two months。Review、Review period,Do not stop the execution of the original processing decision。After review by the review authority,It is determined that the processing decision is wrong,The original handling agency should make corrections in a timely manner。

Chapter 6 International Cooperation in Anti-Corruption

Article 50 The National Supervisory Commission shall coordinate with other countries、Region、International exchanges on anti-corruption carried out by international organizations、Cooperation,Organizing the implementation of international anti-corruption treaties。

Article 51 The National Supervisory Commission organizes and coordinates relevant parties to strengthen cooperation with relevant countries、Region、International organizations in anti-corruption law enforcement、Extradition、Judicial assistance、Transfer of sentenced persons、Cooperation in areas such as asset recovery and information exchange。

Article 52: The National Supervisory Commission strengthens the organization and coordination of anti-corruption international pursuit of fugitives, recovery of stolen goods and prevention of escape,Urge relevant units to do relevant work:

(1) For major corruption and bribery、Official crime cases such as dereliction of duty and malfeasance,The person under investigation fled and hid outside the country,The evidence is relatively conclusive,By carrying out overseas fugitive pursuit cooperation,Pursued and brought to justice;

(2) Request an inquiry from the country where the stolen money and stolen goods are located、Freeze、Seizure、Confiscated、Recovery、Return the assets involved;

(3) Query、Monitor the inbound and outbound and cross-border capital flows of public officials suspected of official crimes and their related personnel,Set up anti-escape procedures during the investigation of the case。

Chapter 7 Supervision of Supervisory Agencies and Supervisory Personnel

Article 53: Supervisory committees at all levels shall accept the supervision of the people’s congress at the same level and its standing committee。

The standing committees of the people’s congresses at all levels listen to and review the special work reports of the supervisory committees at the same level,Organize law enforcement inspection。

When the people’s congresses at or above the county level and their standing committees hold meetings,Deputies to the People’s Congress or members of the Standing Committee may follow the procedures prescribed by law,Raise inquiries or inquiries on relevant issues in supervision work。

Article 54 Supervisory agencies shall disclose supervision work information in accordance with the law,Accept democratic supervision、Social supervision、Public opinion supervision。

Article 55: The supervisory authority shall establish internal specialized supervision agencies, etc.,Strengthen supervision of supervisors’ dafabet best online betting websiteperformance of duties and compliance with laws,Building loyalty、Clean、Responsible supervision team。

Article 56 Supervisors must abide by the constitution and laws in an exemplary manner,Loyal to duty、Enforce the law impartially,Integrity and integrity、Keep it secret;Must have good political quality,Familiar with supervision business,Ability to apply laws、Regulations、Policy and investigation and evidence collection capabilities,Consciously accept supervision。

Article 57 For supervisors to inquire about the case、Interrogation case、Intercession,Supervisors handling supervision matters shall report in a timely manner。Relevant circumstances should be registered and filed。

It was discovered that the supervisory personnel handling supervision matters had unauthorized contact with the person under investigation、Persons involved in the case and their specific related persons,Or there is a relationship,Informed persons should report promptly。Relevant circumstances should be registered and filed。

Article 58: Supervisors handling supervision matters have one of the following circumstances,Should avoid it yourself,Monitoring object、The whistleblower and other relevant personnel also have the right to request that they recuse themselves:

(1) A close relative of the subject of supervision or the whistleblower;

(2) Those who have served as witnesses in this case;

(3) The person or his close relatives have an interest in the supervision matters being handled;

(4) Other circumstances that may affect the fair handling of supervision matters。

Article 59: After leaving the post of confidential personnel of the supervisory authority,Should comply with the management regulations of the declassification period,Strictly perform confidentiality obligations,Do not disclose relevant secrets。

Supervisor resigned、Retire within three years,Do not engage in occupations related to supervision and judicial work that may cause conflicts of interest。

Article 60: Supervisory agencies and their staff commit any of the following acts,The person under investigation and his close relatives have the right to appeal to this agency:

(1) Expiration of the statutory period of lien,Not to be lifted;

(2) Seizure、Seizure、Freezing property unrelated to the case;

(3) The seizure should be lifted、Seizure、Freezing measures without lifting them;

(4) Corruption、Misappropriation、Private division、Replacement and use in violation of regulations and seizure、Seizure、frozen property;

(5) Other violations of laws and regulations、Infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of the person under investigation。

The supervisory authority that accepts the complaint shall make a decision within one month from the date of accepting the complaint。The complainant is dissatisfied with the decision,You can apply for review to the higher-level supervisory authority within one month from the date of receiving the decision,The supervisory authority at the higher level shall make a decision within two months from the date of receipt of the review application,The situation is true,Correction in time。

Article 61: If the basis for filing a case is found to be insufficient or untrue after the investigation is completed,Major mistakes in case handling,Supervisory personnel seriously violated the law,The responsible leaders and directly responsible personnel should be held accountable。

Chapter 8 Legal Liability

Article 62 Relevant units refuse to implement the handling decisions made by the supervisory authorities,Or refuse to adopt supervision recommendations without justifiable reasons,By its competent authority、Superior authority orders correction,Notice and criticize the unit;Responsible leaders and directly responsible personnel will be dealt with in accordance with the law。

Article 63 Relevant persons violate the provisions of this law,Have one of the following behaviors,By his/her unit、Competent authority、The superior authority or supervisory authority orders correction,Handle according to law:

(1) Failure to provide relevant materials as required,Deny、Hindering the implementation of investigation measures and refusing to cooperate with the investigation of the supervisory authority;

(2) Providing false information and covering up the truth;

(3) Collusion or forgery、Hidden、Destroying evidence;

(4) Preventing others from reporting and providing evidence;

(5) Other behaviors that violate the provisions of this law,Serious circumstances。

Article 64: The subject of supervision versus the accuser、Reporter、Witnesses or supervisors carry out revenge and frame-up;Accuser、Reporter、The witness fabricated facts and framed the subject of supervision,Handle according to law。

Article 65 Supervisory agencies and their staff have any of the following acts,The responsible leaders and directly responsible personnel will be dealt with in accordance with the law:

(1) Unapproved、Clues to authorization disposal issues,It was discovered that major cases were concealed and not reported,Or keep it privately、Processing materials involved in the case;

(2) Using authority or positional influence to interfere with investigation work、Those who use crimes for personal gain;

(3) Illegal theft、Leaking investigation work information,Or leak the reported matters、Report acceptance status and whistleblower information;

(4) Extorting confessions from persons under investigation or persons involved、Inducement,Or insult、beating and scolding、Abuse、Corporal punishment or disguised corporal punishment;

(5) Seizure for violation of regulations、Seizure、frozen property;

(6) Safety accidents in handling cases in violation of regulations,Or concealing a safety incident after it occurs、Incorrect report、Improper handling;

(7) Taking detention measures in violation of regulations;

(8) Violating regulations and restricting others from leaving the country,Or those who do not lift exit restrictions in accordance with regulations;

(9) Other abuses of power、Neglect of Duty、Acts of favoritism and malpractice。

Article 66 Violation of the provisions of this Law,Constituting a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law。

Article 67: Supervisory agencies and their staff exercise their powers,Infringement on citizens、Causing damage to the legitimate rights and interests of legal persons and other organizations,Provide state compensation in accordance with the law。

Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions

Article 68 The Chinese People’s Liberation Army and the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force carry out supervision work,The Central Military Commission shall formulate specific regulations in accordance with this law。

Article 69 This Law shall come into effect on the date of promulgation。The "Administrative Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China" is abolished at the same time。

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